Getting Great Sleep Despite Sleep Apnea: Here’s How
It’s a horrible feeling to be diagnosed with sleep apnea. Getting enough sleep is an essential part of a productive, happy lifestyle. Luckily, there are effective treatment options for sleep apnea. Keep reading for information that will help you handle your sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea can be connected to your weight. If you are overweight, consider going on a diet to lose a few pounds. Studies have shown that overweight people who suffer from sleep apnea were able to improve their symptoms by losing about 25 pounds in a year: give it a try!
It may sound silly, but taking up a music instrument may improve your sleep apnea. When subjects in Germany were taught to play the didgeridoo, eszopiclone 3 mg online their sleep apnea symptoms were reduced. The researchers believe that practicing the instrument improved the tone of the muscles in the upper airway, which are responsible for airway dilation.
Try losing a few pounds, if you suffer from chronic sleep apnea. Controlled studies have proven that people with this sleep disturbance benefit greatly after losing 20 or more pounds. Symptoms may even diminish completely, so you now have yet another reason to get your weight down to a healthier number!
You should know that getting a CPAP machine is not going to make your symptoms go away for good. These machines will help you sleep better and perhaps reduce your symptoms on the long term. Keep in mind that you really need to use your machine every night for this treatment to work.
Try your best to maintain a regular sleeping schedule
When your body gets into a customary sleeping cycle, you will find yourself getting a better night’s sleep, and you will also be more relaxed. Several studies have shown that apnea episodes decrease when a person is not sleep deprived or stressed out.
Always get enough sleep. When you fail to get a decent amount of sleep on a regular basis or fail to follow a normal sleeping pattern. Insomnia and sleep apnea go hand in hand. So, when you can successfully sleep regularly, your symptoms are less pronounced because you are well rested.
An excellent way to help lessen the effects of sleep apnea is by losing weight. It’s possible to get rid of this condition just by losing weight. Losing even just five pounds can make your sleep apnea symptoms go away.
For people who smoke, the best way to correct a sleep apnea condition is to quit smoking
Smoking is one of the biggest causes of sleep apnea. When people stop smoking their risk of sleep apnea is reduced and they can get a full night sleep within days of quitting.
If you have to use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine, you may find it hard to get used to at first. It is important that you do not quit using the machine, though. Focus on the benefits of the machine rather than the inconvenience. It will make life safer for yourself and others. Eszopiclone 2mg tablets Daytime sleepiness caused by sleep apnea is a major risk factor for car accidents, for instance.
If you are a smoker, this may be making your sleep apnea more severe. When you smoke a cigarette, the airways in your nose become swollen, restricting the amount of air that you can breathe. Quit smoking if you can. If you can’t give it up entirely, don’t smoke in the evenings before bed.
If you have sleep apnea, and you smoke, it’s crucial that you quit right away
Smoking causes the throat to inflame, making it hard for air to get into your airways. In fact, studies suggest that smoking may cause or worsen sleep apnea in some patients. So, avoid it altogether!
Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help anyone dealing with sleep apnea. Once you can get on a schedule and stick to it, you will notice that your symptoms will decrease as your body gets more sleep. Make a routine that works for your lifestyle, and do your best to stick to it.
For those individuals that suffer from sleep apnea, sometimes the position that you sleep in can make a difference. Try sleeping on your side. Many times when people sleep on their backs, their tongues can block the airways making it harder to breath, and causing sleep apnea symptoms to appear.
Quit smoking
Not only is it a good idea to quit smoking for your health in general, but it will also help with your sleep apnea. Smoking affects your lungs and respiratory system, causing your airways to swell and exacerbating your sleep apnea. By quitting, you allow your airways to return to normal and as an added bonus, you’ll also save a ton of money!
Smokers who also suffer from sleep apnea need to make a difficult decision. Research shows that smoking can worsen sleeping problems such as snoring and apnea, so those who like to light up need to really look into themselves and decide what is more important, nicotine or a great night’s sleep.
Many people simply lay down whenever they feel about it, and then complain when they aren’t sleeping well. Zaleplon 10mg The human body is based off of routine, so it is greatly beneficial to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. This can even help with snoring and apnea issues.
Try nasal spray to help alleviate your troubling sleep apnea symptoms
Moistening of the nasal passages can decrease snoring and increase comfort! Use a little about ten minutes prior to going to bed and your sleep should be improved; for extra relief, place a humidifier in the room as well.
Don’t sleep face-up if you suffer from sleep apnea. Sleeping on your back increases the chances that your airways will collapse as the night goes on. Gravity will not pull on your throat muscles and close them up as easily if you turn on your side instead.
As you have learned, there are many effective options for treating sleep apnea. Use the advice from above to start sleeping better. Getting more sleep will improve your whole life.