Female Infertility Treatment In India
Fallopian tube recanalization (FTR) is a non-surgical procedure to clear blockages in the fallopian tubes, part of a woman’s reproductive system.

What are fallopian tubes/uterine tubes?
The fallopian tubes are important for female fertility. They are the passageways for the eggs to travel from the ovaries to the uterus.
During conception:
1. The ovary releases an egg, which travels into the fallopian tube.
2. Sperm travels into the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg.
3. The resulting embryo is nourished and transported to the uterus where the pregnancy continues.
A common cause of female infertility is a blockage of the fallopian tubes, usually as the result of debris that has built up. Occasionally, scarring from surgery or serious infection can lead to a blockage as well.

What happens during a fallopian tube recanalization?
Fallopian tube recanalization (FTR) is a nonsurgical procedure our interventional radiologists use to treat these blockages. Recanalization is the medical term for “reopening.”
During the procedure, which does not require any needles or incisions, we will:
1. Place a speculum into the vagina and pass a small plastic tube (catheter) through the cervix into the uterus.
2. Inject a liquid contrast agent (sometimes called a dye, although nothing is stained) through the catheter.
3. Examine the uterine cavity on a nearby monitor using an X-ray camera.
4. Obtain a hystero-salpingogram or HSG. Literally, that means a “uterus-and-fallopian-tube-picture.”
5. Determine if there is a blockage and if it is located on one or both fallopian tubes.
6. Thread a smaller catheter through the first catheter and then into the fallopian tube to clear the blockage.
More than 90 percent of the time, we can reopen at least one blocked fallopian tube and restore normal function.
What you are to do before procedure (Preparation)?
1. Book prior appointment
2. Visit us in OPD (9am-5pm) after breakfast, take prescribed medicine and with empty bladder(*No need to hold urine)
3. Referring Doctor prescription, previous lab results (*PT/INR), imaging etc.
4. If you are on blood thinner like Aspirin or warfarin inform during appointment.
5. One accompanying person
6. Need to sign a consent form for procedure
Approx. Stay in hospital?
We have very fast and competent working team (Consultant, fellow, clinical assistant, technician and ward assistant) which provide you comfortable atmosphere and ease your nerves. Usual time of stay is around 6 hours.
These are very safe procedures with minor (<1%) complication. Most women will have a little spotting for a day or two afterward. There should be no lingering pain or other unpleasant sensation.
Resume to work?
You can resume your work after 1 day if existing disease allows.
Outcomes for fallopian tube recanalization
Usually, both fallopian tubes can be unblocked. On average, about a quarter of couples will conceive, most within a cycle or two. The FTR procedure is timed so that there was no risk of being fertile at the time of your procedure. You may begin trying to get pregnant again once the spotting has stopped, and don’t have to wait an extra cycle in between.
Successful FTR and pregnancy are lower when severe scarring is present from prior surgery or bad infections, such as PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). FTR unclogs the tubes, but does not reverse the process at work that caused them to become blocked in the first place.
For that reason, about 1/3 of patients will reocclude their tubes by about 6 months. You may wish to consult your doctor if you have not gotten pregnant after 6 months and he or she is thinking about enhancing your fertility, such as giving you injections to stimulate your ovaries. It is advisable in that case to make sure that your tubes are still open. An interventional radiologist can perform an HSG and safely repeat the FTR if blockage is again found.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ajit Yadav, please contact:
Name: Interventional Radiology India
Address: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi — 110060 India
Phone: 011 42251897, +91–9958474870
Website: www.interventionalradiologyindia.com
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