Infidelity is defined as the state or action of being unfaithful to a spouse or other romantic partner. Infidelity is violating the emotional and sexual exclusivity in a relationship. It causes anger, jealousy, rivalry, and mistrust issues.
Infidelity also causes severe psychological damage to the partner that is affected. It can lead to feelings of rage, betrayal, low self-esteem, low personal and sexual self-confidence, and even PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Infidelity can also cause social consequences if it becomes public.
What Leads Loved Ones to Being Unfaithful?
People cheat for different reasons, but the main reason for Infidelity is sexual dissatisfaction. A survey showed that 44% of men said they cheat because they wanted more sex while 40% of men said they wanted more of a variety of sex. 40% of women said they cheat because they wanted an emotional connection, and 33% said they do it to feel more desirable. Another 11% of women said they cheated out of revenge.

What Constitutes Cheating in a Relationship?
People define cheating in relationships differently. The majority of people, 71 to 76%, said that physical, sexual contact with someone outside of the relationship is cheating. 63% said that having an online dating app profile when in a relationship is cheating, and 51% say sending someone else outside the relationship flirtatious messages is considered cheating.
Infidelity Counseling in Delray Beach, Florida
Once a couple cheats, it is very difficult to regain trust. Infidelity can tear a relationship apart, but sometimes couples can repair it. If a couple chooses to try and save their relationship, using a licensed therapist or counselor sometimes is critical.
Counseling for infidelity in Delray Beach will normally consist of the couple working together with a therapist to try and repair the relationship. However, occasionally a therapist may also recommend individual sessions for the couple, especially in situations where there is a severely agitated partner.
Can Counseling Treat Infidelity in a Relationship?
When treatment begins, the primary task is to address trauma and painful emotions safely. The therapist will then get a picture of what happened and what caused the affair. Once the initial stages of therapy are done, the therapist will then relay her thoughts on the situation, and the forgiveness stage can begin. For therapy to be successful, both partners must have mutual empathy, compassion, and hope, and the cheating partner must have terminated their other relationship. In addition, all correspondence with the affair partner must be stopped.
It’s not easy for either person when the unfaithful person shares their story. Therapy is more successful when a criminal versus detective approach is used in questioning rather than a destructive, defensive interrogation approach. Complex questioning should be delayed until some healing has already taken place. The end usually involves neutral information seeking to disclose the truth. Somewhat similar to the relationship of an interviewee and journalist.

In-Office And Online Counseling for Infidelity
Everyone needs support at different points in their lives. The Counseling Center for Growth and Recovery has compassionate and experienced psychotherapists to help you through the challenging times in your life. We assist our clients in a caring, non-judgmental way using a solution-focused approach.
We will help you in our safe and therapeutic environment and provide you with effective ways to manage any kind of mental health condition. Our licensed therapists have over 25 years of experience in helping through individual therapy, couples or relationship counseling , and family therapy. We offer both in-office and video (Skype, Zoom, etc) or online therapy along with virtual counseling over the phone or tablet for your convenience, health, and discretion. We help people all over no matter where you are, so don’t hesitate to schedule a relationship counseling session today.