Apple’s Magic Mouse is a great gadget but not built for gaming performance. At least, it is not fit for playing games that involve first person shooting. The vast majority of first-person shooters set the right mouse button as the default for aiming, and the left mouse button as the default for shooting. You are only able to left click or right click while using the apple magic mouse; you cannot do both at the same time.
However, the Magic Mouse may work well with games:
- That do not demand quick reaction, like strategy games and board games.
- This Apple Mouse may work well games that are optimized for Mac.
Otherwise, you should not expect much from this Apple mouse which is an excellent tech piece for browsing, working on documents and spreadsheets.
Why Magic Mouse not for Gaming?
Here we have discussed all the factors that make Apple Magic Mouse not suitable for gaming.
The latency, sometimes known as the mouse’s delayed response time, is one of the most frustrating aspects of using Magic Mouse. Users who have tried to use the Magic Mouse 2 for gaming have reported that there is a substantial lag between the user’s motions and button pushes and the results that appear on the screen.
This latency will negatively impact your performance in any first-person shooter game as well as any other action game that has a fast-paced environment. The feedback that we have received from other players, as well as from those whose evaluations we have read, indicates that the latency in question is exceedingly annoying and should not be tolerated for the game being played.
Being Buttonless
The Magic Mouse 2 does not have any physical buttons that can be clicked; instead, it just detects where you are tapping on its surface. Although this is incredibly amazing for a wide variety of applications and purposes, it might be difficult for gamers to adjust to. Gamers are used to experiencing the real clicking of the buttons and seeing the outcomes on the screen.
In certain video games, you are required to do specific tasks by simultaneously clicking the left and right mouse buttons on the controller. It is not feasible to click or hold down both the left and right buttons simultaneously while using a Magic Mouse.
No Wheels There
The Magic Mouse 2 does not have a scroll wheel in its design. It is possible to scroll while using it for the majority of apps; however, it does not function very well for the vast majority of games that need the use of the mouse wheel.
If you attempt to play a game by running your finger over the surface of the mouse, you will find that it does not seem natural and does not perform as well as using the wheel, which has already been mastered by a large number of gamers.
Magic Mouse is Uncomfortable
The Magic Mouse 2 has an excellent ergonomic design that performs very well and is quite pleasant to use for the majority of programs that are used for productivity as well as activities such as browsing the internet. When it comes to gaming, this is not always the case.
The form and texture of the Magic Mouse 2 are not to the liking of the vast majority of gamers. When playing hard games, gamers have a tendency to grasp or clutch their mouse extremely firmly. After an hour or more of doing so, the mouse is simply not comfortable, and fast, stiffness sets in to the hands and wrists.
The Magic Mouse 2 is exceptionally lightweight, which is a trait that is beneficial in many different contexts. When it comes to serious gaming, things are handled quite differently. Due to the fact that it is simpler to push about, the lightweight might produce motions that are excessively severe.
When playing action games, it is preferable to have a mouse that is somewhat weightier and more robust in appearance and feels solid in grip. During the most physically demanding sequences of a game, the player will have some resistance to overcome and will be able to apply somewhat more force.
Being Wireless
One of the numerous reasons why it is not suitable for gaming is because it is a wireless mouse. Indeed, the architecture of wireless technology is to blame for the latency problem, which is perhaps the most significant obstacle for the majority of users. Nevertheless, even if that weren’t an issue, the mouse still has additional challenges to overcome, as we mentioned before.
Therefore, the fact that it is wireless is not the only reason why people like it; there are dozens of other wireless mice that are also very effective for gaming.
Take Away
So, the Apple Magic mouse has a limited potential while boosting gaming performance. It may respond well only with slow paced games and not involving first person shooting otherwise it is not the best choice for gamers. Serious gamers do not tolerate this flaw and prefer to gaming mice built by other manufacturers for Mac computers.