What Is The Python With Selenium Webdriver Methods?
Python is currently one of the most well-liked and in-demand programming languages. The answer is simple—it provides users with a wide range of advantages and is regarded as all-around applicable. Python allows you to build websites using Flask, Django, etc. Selenium can be used to automate the web as well. Python is also useful for data science, machine learning, and other things. Programmers love it because of its straightforward syntax and the plethora of libraries and packages it offers. In this article, we have discussed Python with Selenium webdrivers methods; to know more, join Selenium with Python Training in Chennai, offered by FITA Academy.
Selenium web driver methods
The Selenium WebDriver is the parent of all the classes and methods used for Selenium with Python. This is the engine that drives Selenium since it allows you to do any kind of operation on every web page element. It includes several features that Selenium Python can use to help with automation testing. The most often used Selenium WebDriver methods include the following:
1)add_Cookie-The user’s current session can have cookies added using this technique.
2)back-By using this technique, you can advance one page.
3)close-The current window will close using this technique.
4) create_web_development web element with a certain element_id will be created using this technique.
5)delete_ all_cookie-It will assist you in getting rid of every cookie associated with the current session.
6)delete_cookie-Based on the name, it will only erase one cookie.
7)execute_async_script-Asynchronous JavaScript execution will take place in the current frame.
8) Forward- You will advance one page as a result.
9)fullscreen_window-This technique will launch a window manager-specific “full screen” operation.
10) get_cookies number of dictionaries corresponding to the cookies currently visible during the session will be returned.
11) get_log- You will receive all the logs for a given type.
12)get_screenshot_as_file-The screenshot of the current window will be provided to you as a binary file.
13)get_window_rect-Along with the width and height, you will receive the current window coordinates.
14)maximize_window-The current window being used by the web driver can be maximised.
15) Quit- When you exit the driver, all related windows will be closed.
16)refresh-The present frame will be refreshable.
Thus, some of the selenium webdriver methods are back, close, Forward, Quit, and refresh. To know more, join Selenium With Python Online Training to learn at your own pace from our own space.